Starting Fresh

Welcome to my tiny corner of the Internet.

My name is Sarah. I’m a professional, certified archivist, a geek, and a would-be DIY-er. I’m in the midst of planning my wedding next year, looking to get back in shape, back into the habit of writing something on a regular basis, and share my modest efforts towards organization and crafting.

My friends may be making an occasional appearance, either in stories or possibly their own posts — this is a new endeavor and who knows where it will lead!

My current projects are:

  1. Do laundry. Lots of recent travel and guests have left my home is quite a state of disarray. I’ve recovered from most of this turmoil but I’ve managed to put off tackling the laundry for several weeks now. As I’ve reached the “no more clean underwear” stage, I’ll be getting started on this tonight.
  2. Finish my homemaking binder. I love order, systems, and reference material. Clearly, a homemaking binder is in my future. It’s probably about 80% done — I just need to print out a few more items, get some larger whole-page sleeves, and stick my weekly schedule items (originals in the binder) on the fridge. I can handle that, right?
  3. Deal with the bedroom. It’s been a mess longer than the rest of the apartment. Bleck. Have to deal. Doing laundry will help.
  4. Get back to tracking my food. Can’t loose weight if you don’t control your intake. I just need/want to drop 10-20 pounds. 
  5. Exercise. I have the technology! Or in this case, three different workout programs I can do in the comfort of my apartment. 

There’s more, of course. But these are the items that will restore sanity. And allow me to get back to working on the projects I enjoy so much. If my home/work station/living areas are a mess, I can’t focus on anything. And that leads to massive amounts of procrastination and lots of extra World of Warcraft and Minecraft. 

Bad Sarah, bad. No playing video games until your chores are done.

Wish me luck!

2 responses

  1. I know the feeling! My house can be spotless and then there’s MY ROOM (or corner). It feels so much better when you finally get it tidied up but sometimes it takes a lot to get there. Love your list. 🙂

  2. I know the feeling! My house can be spotless and then there’s MY ROOM (or corner). It feels so much better when you finally get it tidied up but sometimes it takes a lot to get there. Love your list. 🙂

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